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Thanks for stopping by. About eMortgageGuys...

eMortgageGuys is a family-owned and operated, full-service mortgage broker based in San Diego, California. Our team has been fulfilling the dreams of clients all across California for over 20 years. Does this mean that we are stuck in the traditional? A minute on the phone with one of our agents will show you just the opposite: we are pioneers, rulebreakers, experts in finding the most innovative solutions by taking advantage of the potential of technology to break all current paradigms.

At eMortgageGuys we refuse to follow this “unwritten rule” that clients must jump through hoops to get their dream home or save on their mortgage. Instead, we roll up our sleeves, sit down at the table with each of their clients, and together, shoulder to shoulder, design the most effective solution to suit your unique financial situation.

Using cutting-edge tools to leverage our decades of extensive local knowledge, we go the extra mile to find borrowers a path to sustainable homeownership. At eMortgageGuys, efficiency, transparency, and the best-guaranteed deal go hand in hand to transform the mortgage nightmare into the fun and unforgettable experience you deserve.

If you’re looking to buy a new home, cash out, or just to get a better rate or term, eMortgageGuys are your perfect partners. Discover the exciting new way to get a mortgage!